A Goal Properly Set is always Reached

The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond the impossible.

I enjoyed every sight of the scenario. Commendable achievement, just whispered.

Oops, almost fell from the edge of the rock where I sat, realized dreaming I was.

  1. Set your goal. Do what you love. Do what your heart sings. Where there is love and inspiration, do not think you may go wrong. Allow not anyone think little of you. Be sure to utilize the abilities God has given you, because everything on Earth has a purpose, every person has a mission.
  2. Have a passion. It takes a great passion and great energy to do anything creative.
  3. Know the integrity of hard work. It is a magnet that indicates the path of life that cross along. One has to follow it even if one enters a full way of difficulties.
  4. Perseverance. We all long to accomplish great and noble task. All the things that we are confronting, the waves that once shattered our dreams, the environment that sometimes barred us to reach our goals, every circumstance and every tear that we shed along the path to the pinnacle of our dreams are just little reminders of our humble beginnings. These are the spices that mold the majesty of character that everyone may benefit. After all, it is the difficult and stiff winds that keep the eagle to soar high.
  5. Humility. Keep pondering on, that we are just a creative creation and God has the ultimate control in our lives. No matter how big the waves maybe, we keep on floating in our journey as he directs the path to our destiny.

With this I say, almost finish with the chapters of the book of my life, and will leave these points to tickle your senses. Like the castle in the sand , we can walk in the aisle in the castle of our dreams if we keep our mind set to our goals. We are the knight in our own castle and the armor is the majesty of our character build through the obstacles that comes along, and only God is our ultimate shield to face all the obstacles as he directs our path. Then we can say, THIS IS I AM TODAY, AND THAT I WILL BE TOMORROW!    

Source : Joseph Tambuli 

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